Bacteria and bacterial genetics lie at the foundation of Life Science research and development, from the discovery of DNA as the store of genetic material, the origins of biochemistry and genetic engineering, and the first genomes to be sequenced with modern shotgun sequencing. Bacterial genomics has wide-ranging applications and impacts beyond human bacterial infections and public health, extending to many aspects of biochemistry, biotechnology, synthetic biology, and beyond.
In all cases, the ability to discover, design, engineer, and exploit bacterial potential and processes depends upon the ability to accurately analyze and understand their genomes. It is also needed to target them with new and emergent treatments, from traditional drugs to emergent therapies such as phage, or to design novel vaccines.
The potential applications for our platform extend far beyond its original focus upon clinical and pubic health pathogen genomics, examples include:
Supporting the development and targeted delivery of phage therapies, through our ability to identify strains as individuals.
The development of new drugs and vaccines through the identification of conserved or critical behaviour-associated targets.
The development and monitoring of the composition of probiotics and other live-culture supplements and products.
The discrimination of high-risk bacterial contaminants from feedstock, water, or biofilm contamination for large molecule manufacturing.
The monitoring of water quality from industrial or sewage processing.
The monitoring and recognition of pathogens or critical strains in animal and plant health, in domestic, agricultural, or open environmental settings.
The list is as long and diverse as the bacteria themselves. If you wish to discuss any of the above, or other applications to which you think highly accurate, high-resolution bacterial genomics can be applied, then please contact us to discuss.